About me

I’m a research scientist at IBM Research. I’m also an adjunct senior lecturer, visiting professor and co-supervisor at UKP Lab-TU Darmstadt. My primary research interest lies in the area of natural language processing (NLP), with a particular focus on language understanding in the discourse level, computational argumentation, and scholarly document processing. For more details, see my publications.

I am a member of the standing review committee of TACL. I also serve as a standing reviewer of Computational Linguistics (CL) journal. I have co-organized the 8th Workshop on Argument Mining, the Second/Third/Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP 2021, SustailNLP2022, SustailNLP2023), the First Workshop on Argumentation Knowledge Graphs, and the First Quantitative Summarization – Key Point Analysis Shared Task.


  • 07/2024 A paper accepted at at the ACL 2024 Student Research Workshop. The paper is based on a master thesis project that I co-supervised with Prof. Anya Belz at Dublin City University for their first NLP master program on 2023/2024.

  • 06/2024 I will serve as an area chair at COLING 2025.

  • 06/2024 A paper accepted at ACL 2024 workshop on teaching NLP: I wrote a short paper describing a course shared task that we organized at the Foundations of Language Technology (FoLT) course in 2023/2024 at the Technical University of Darmstadt. The shared task focuses on evaluating the output of LLMs in generating harmful answers to health-related clinical questions.

  • 06/2024 I gave an invited talk and participated a panel discussion at the 1st International Conference on Robust Argumentation Machines (RATIO24).

  • 05/2024 Three long papers have been accepted at ACL 2024 Main Conference.

  • 05/2024 We have released a massive meta-evaluation benchmark called Holmes to evaluate internal embeddings for more than 50 LLMs across 200 datasets, covering a wide range of linguistic competences.

  • 04/2024 I will give an invited talk at the “Anaphora and Predictability” workshop at Pompeu Fabra University.

  • 03/2024 I will serve as a senior area chair at EMNLP 2024.

  • 03/2024 Our paper, “On the Role of Summary Content Units in Text Summarization Evaluation”, has been accepted at the NAACL 2024 Main Conference! The paper is based on an idea from the GEM human evaluation work group, and all experiments were conducted by the four exceptional student researchers whom Juri and I co-mentored in a software project from the course “Data Analysis Software Project for Natural Language” that I taught at TU Darmstadt in 2022/2023. Kudos to all co-authors!

  • 02/2024 I will serve as an area chair at ACL 2024.

  • 01/2024 Our paper on probing the gap between in- and cross-topic generalization of pre-trained language models has been accepted at EACL 2024 Findings.

  • 12/2013 I attended the panel discussion at ArgMining 2023.

  • 10/2023 I’m looking for a PhD student on AI-assisted Scientific Evidence Synthesis, co-supervised by me at IBM Research and Prof. Anya Belz from Dublin City University. The PhD candidate will be employed by IBM Research Ireland for the duration of the PhD study. Apply using this link if you are interested in the position.

  • 10/2023 I gave an invited talk “Building Computational Models to Understand Scholarly Documents for Supporting Scientific Knowledge Discovery and Communication” at the IBM AI Research Masterclass workshop in Trinity College Dublin.

  • 10/2023 Three long papers have been accepted at EMNLP 2023 Main Conference.

  • 10/2023 I will serve as an area chair and visa chair at EACL 2024.

  • 09/2023 I will serve as a senior area chair at NAACL 2024.

  • 09/2023 I will serve as an area chair at LREC-COLING 2024.

  • 07/2023 I will give an invited talk “Bridging Resolution: A Journey Towards Modelling Referential Discourse Entities” at CODI 2023.

  • 06/2023 I will serve as a senior area chair at EMNLP 2023.

  • 05/2023 I will serve as an area chair at IJCNLP-AACL 2023, INLG 2023 and SIGDIAL 2023.

  • 05/2023 Four long papers accepted at ACL2023 Main Conference. Kudos to my students and collaborators!

  • 04/2023 I visited UKP Lab and had great discussions with the brilliant students from the lab.

  • 01/2023 I gave a short talk at IBM Neuro-Symbolic AI Workshop.

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