I’m currently looking for postdoctoral researchers, PhD students, and visiting students to join the IT:U NLP lab! Please fill out this form (feel free to skip some questions) if you are interested in joining our lab. For prospective PhD students and PostDoc researchers who have submitted their applications through the IT:U portal, I strongly encourage you to fill out this form to help me schedule the interviews promptly.
Interested PhD candidates are encouraged to apply for the “PhD Program in Computational X at IT:U”. If you are interested in working with me, please indicate this in your application. I strongly encourage you to visit the IT:U NLP group’s page to explore our current research topics before applying.
- If you want to carry out research in my group as a post-doc, there are several funding possibilities:
- IT:U Postdoc Program - please indicate your interests in joining the NLP group in your application
- Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
- FWF ESPRIT Career Advancement for Postdocs
- Leopoldina Postdoc Scholarship (incoming from Germany, Austria, or Switzerland)
- Please note that I do not respond to individual emails if the content can be addressed through the forms provided above. I will review all applications and reach out to you if there is a fit for our lab.